I am a 2nd generation chiropractor so I grew up seeing the benefits of chiropractic at a young age. I always had a curiosity on how the body works being a bit of science nerd. I finished chiropractic college at Northwestern Chiropractic college and started working with my dad eventually taking over his practice. I have been a chiropractor working in Eagan for almost 40 years and love helping people get and stay healthy through chiropractic care and coaching on diet, nutrition, lifestyle and laser therapy. I work with my wife Cathy and my son Andrew. We have 2 other married children living in Minnesota and love to spend time with them. In addition to restoring and maintaining peoples health I enjoy restoring and maintaining old classic cars as well as golfing.
Dr. Andrew was born and raised in Eagan, MN. Growing up he always enjoyed living an active lifestyle, playing any sport his parents would sign him up for. Dr. Andrew’s passion for helping others led him to working within the Fairview hospital system in the physical therapy department after graduating from Mankato State.
Looking to find a platform to help patients become more proactive about their health Dr. Andrew decided to go back to school graduating from Northwestern Health Sciences university becoming a 3rd generation Chiropractor after his father and Grandfather.
Dr. Andrew spends his free time finding various nature walks he can go on with his dog, golfing whenever the Minnesota weather allows it, and working on cars with his dad and grandpa.